Monday, February 28, 2011

Dr. Seuss: Day One!

Today we began our Dr. Seuss unit and I am so excited! I always get so pumped about this unit. One of my favorite things is just getting to read the many, MANY books aloud to my kiddos. They love the rhythm of the books, the illustrations, and the overall silliness of Dr. Seuss :) And I agree with them 100%!

Throughout the week I will read stories to them at morning meeting and as we have a few extra minutes here and there, but each day we will have one focus book that I base the majority of our activities around.

Today we started by making invitations to a birthday party for Dr. Seuss (did you know he'd be 107 this year?!) My kiddos got to decide when and where the party would be! They enjoyed this quick little activity, and their invitations turned out cute.

Today our focus book was:

This is one of my favorite books to read aloud because it is one giant tongue twister! I read it at a normal pace first (which is hard in itself!) The kids ALWAYS challenge me to read it as fast as I can a second time, and of course this year was no different. After reading it twice, I always show my kiddies a You-Tube video I found and recorded onto CD a couple of years ago of the entire book being read in about 3 minutes flat! I love watching their little faces as they watch/listen in complete awe at how quickly the book is read!

After we read the book, we did some word sorts for -ix/-icks words and -ox/-ocks words.

With each of our focus books, we will add a section to our "Dr. Seuss Flip Book." In the flip book, students are required to think of at least 5 rhyming pairs from each book, write their opinion of the book, and draw a picture of their favorite part of the book.

**I will post a photo of a completed flip book at the end of the week**

More posts to come later in the week!