Saturday, May 14, 2011

Eric Carle & Butterflies!

First, I have to say that Teacher Appreciation Week has been fabulous! Our wonderful PTA has provided snacks, Sonic drinks, lunch, breakfast and other goodies for us! And my kiddos have showered me with sweeeeet cards, flowers, gifts and TWIX :) 

Okay, onto my unit :) Two weeks ago we did a unit on Eric Carle. He is one of my favorite authors!! I love the lessons and morals that he teaches, and I just looooove his artwork! :) We were able to integrate so many subject areas during this unit. Love it!

For reading, we read several of Eric's books and discussed the moral of each story. We recorded them in our "poof" books.

We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar a few times for fluency. I split the kids into three groups and they practiced and presented a reader's theater. So cute! The kids also sequenced the story on these cute caterpillars that I created.

In math we worked on story problems with the foods the caterpillar ate (forgot to photograph!!!) We also made Mrs. Carroll's Fractionpillars! They are so stinkin' cute!

In science we learned a lot about butterflies (and many other insects). We read a lot of nonfiction books about them. We created this cute life cycle illustration using pasta!

(I have NO idea why this is loading sideways! I have tried to fix it like 8 times and it won't! Sorry!)

For one of our writing projects, we read The Mixed Up Chameleon. I love the moral--just be yourself!!! I had the students write their own mixed up stories and illustrate their new, mixed up selves! They were adorable!!

**I did not include the illustrations because I used the students' photographs for part of their illustrations. If you do this activity, take a photo of each student, and then they can add animal characteristics to themselves! My students LOVED this activity!**

Eric Carle week is one of my faves, and I think my students really enjoyed it as well!!

I hope everyone survives their last few days of school! I am counting down!!! TEN DAYS :)

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